If you are looking for WCS parties/socials in Hungary, then you are at the right place to find some 🙂 We are not in the phase of having a real English page yet, so let me help you with some useful expressions that you will find in the below calendar.
The words you now see are the names of the parties(*) – if you hover over them, more information will pop up. Things like:
-The date in YYYY.MM.DD format and the time the party starts and ends;
-The name of the place and the address, where „u.”, „út”, „utca” mean street, and the four-digit number is the zip code (the second and third digit shows the district, so 1094 means the 9th district for example);
-Then should come the Facebook link, and please don’t go to the party if you can’t see that!! Come back closer to the date to make sure it is there, because the Facebook link indicates that the party will take place for sure!
-Then there comes some bla-bla in Hungarian to enchant more Hungarians to the party 😉
-And finally „Katt a részletekért” means click for more info, so click! It will take you to a place where you might even find a map to the party place! (Not all places are in Google maps unfortunately, but in that case, you can paste the address into Google maps ;))
(*) If you see the word „ELMARAD” in the name of the party, it means CANCELLED!
If you need more help, don’t hesitate to contact me at info@wcshirek.hu!
I hope we’ll see you at one of the parties soon! Cheers, Coti
Goldance Halloween buli 1. & 3. pénteken @ Etele út
Goldance Halloween buli 1. & 3. pénteken @ Etele út
2024.11.122:00 - 2024.11.202:00 Etele út 59-61, Budapest, Etele út 59-61, 1119 Magyarország
2024.11.1617:00 - 20:00 BHG Foci, Budapest, Sopron út 19, 1117 Magyarország
Ha te is szeretsz szórakozni, de ugyanannyira szeretsz aludni is, akkor ez a te lehetőséged, mert bőven hazaérsz "pizsilövésre" úgy hogy kitáncoltad magad! 😃
Gyere délután 5-re és táncolj velünk 8-ig vagy kicsit tovább. Szép nagy tágas teremben lesz tánc és lesz tea is, ha szusszannál vagy beszélgetnél egy jót
FS Tea Dance ⭐️Helyszín: BHG⭐️ ⭐️Belépő: 2500.- Ft⭐️ ⭐️Dj: Balázs & Feri & Levi⭐️ Buli előtt workshop is lesz, melynek beugrója tartalmazza a buli árát is. Ha érdekel, keresd a workshopok naptárban!